I'm about to start the next module on Light and I'm really excited about this. Light has always fascinated me and I'm hoping to develop a deeper understanding about how to use it more effectively in my photos.
I've just had my feed back from assignment 3 on colour and reading through I agree with the criticisms
and comments. I am determined to approach this next section in a more artistic and individual way. I'm planning to experiment more with natural light although these grey overcast days don't feel particularly inspiring especially when I leave for work in the dark and then get home in the dark…. I'm most definitely not a winter person. I'm hoping we get some of those crisp sunny days around christmas when the sun is low in the sky as that's always interesting light.
My never ending struggle for time holds me back so much, artistic time is such a rare commodity in my existence
I'm off to read through the next section before falling asleep.
Well here goes…….