Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Positioning a point

In this exercise I am exploring the different positions a point can be placed in the frame. In this case the point in the frame is the distant farmhouse.

Point at centre;  A fairly static composition with regards to the point although this is helped by the distant line of trees on the left leading the eye to the centred point.

Point at the edge, in this photo the there is a sense of movement to the lower right of the frame, not only with the positioning of the point but guided by the lighter tones of the snow and sky and the darker tones of the trees on the left.

Point slightly off centred vertically and horizontally. I find this the most pleasing composition and the point sits nicely in the landscape and draws the eye gently. The point implies a subdivision of the frame both horizontally and vertically and in this case a most pleasing way.

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