Sunday, 23 February 2014

Exercise - measuring exposure part 2

In this exercise I have taken a series of shots for each photo using 'bracketing' for the exposure of +1 stop, + 1/2 stop, at the recommended exposure with the camera's meter, - 1/2 stop and then -1 stop. I am then going to compare the resultant images to see if the 'correct' exposure is what works best or if any of the 'under' or 'over' exposed images work in their own right.

Example 1. This first set of photos are of a cast iron fire basket set against the sky.

Camera 'correct' exposure
+1/2stop over exposure

+1 stop over exposure
-1/2 stop under exposed

-1 stop under exposure

I think for this 'silhouette' type image all the exposures work to an extent. The 'correct' exposure is OK if a little boring for this image. My two preferred are the most over exposed image which brings out the rust cast iron colouring of the subject and this works against the paler looking sky. The most under exposed image I like as it has a powerful mood with the almost black subject against a darker and ominous sky.

Example 2

This statue of an Angel in Ross-on-Wye cemetery is my next subject for this exercise. I chose this image as it has many elements within the frame, detail and form of the statue, some sky and greenery and much colour too.

-1 stop under exposed

-1/2 stop under exposed

Correct exposure

+1/2 stop over exposed

+1 stop over exposed
In this example I think that the best result is the 1/2 stop under exposed as the colours really come out and the sky isn't too burnt out. The correct exposure image works very well. I like what happens with the sky in the most under exposed image as the blue starts coming through. I am not keen on the over exposed images as the sky and wall behind become burnt out very quickly.

Example 3
In this next series of shots I have taken a landscape scene with some water reflecting light to see how that is affected by exposure.
-1 stop under exposed

-1/2 stop under exposed

correct exposure

+ 1/2 stop over exposed

+ 1 stop over exposed
I think for this image the correctly exposed image is definitely the best result with a nice vibrant image with plenty of colour. This would makes sense as the camera manufacturer would opt for a 'tourist shot' such as this to give great results from the cameras metering. The +1/2 stop photo has great colour in the foreground water areas. The most under-exposed image loses so much detail in the dark areas.

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